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Monday, September 30, 2013

Craft Show Season Preparations

Craft show season is upon us.  Well, at least the holiday craft shows are coming up soon!  LittleGerts will be participating in 2, possibly 3, craft shows in October, November and maybe December!  We are really looking forward to it.  So, what is happening around the craft rooms, you may ask?  Well, I just flew back to PA with all of my finished products in my suitcase.  It weighed 47.4 pounds.  I hadn't weighed my bag before I got to the airport, and I was actually really worried when I had to put it on the scale.  I even asked my husband how much he thought it weighed... He said I may be in trouble...  But I made it.  I think I may have considered paying the overage amount for this bag, had it been because I wasn't taking anything out!  It ALL needed to be transported East!

Here is my organized bag-
I kept all of the big bags together, all the knitted and crocheted items together, and then the small ones in their own bags.  I am definitely not usually this organized, but I needed to so if my bag was searched by TSA, they wouldn't just spew out of my bag all over their table.  I'm pretty sure I'd be missing a bag or two if that happened. :)

So, moral of the story is.... Check us out at some upcoming craft shows in PA... Maybe some on the West Coast in 2014!

October 19- Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, PA- 9am- 2pm
November 16- Bensalem High School, Bensalem, PA- 9am- 3pm

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